Getting To Know K8s | Lab #2: Maintaining your Kubernetes Cluster

By Steven Eschinger | January 25, 2017

Dashboard - System Pods

This post was updated on September 18th, 2017 for Kubernetes version 1.7.6 & Kops version 1.7.0


In the previous lab, we showed you how to deploy a cluster in AWS using Kops.

In this lab, we will go through some common maintenance tasks for your cluster.

We will start out by deploying a cluster with an older version of Kubernetes (1.6.4) and we will then perform a rolling update with Kops to upgrade the cluster to version 1.7.6. A rolling update for a cluster is the process of updating one host at a time and moving onto the next host only when the previous host has been updated successfully. Pods that are running on a node which is about to be updated are seamlessly moved to another healthy node before the update starts.

You will then see how to increase or decrease the amount of nodes in an existing cluster and how to prepare an existing node for maintenance by temporarily reliving it of it’s cluster duties.

Finally, we will deploy the Kubernetes dashboard add-on to your cluster, which is a web-based UI that allows you to view the status of your cluster & applications and perform basic management tasks.


Warning: Some of the AWS resources that will be created in the following lab are not eligible for the AWS Free Tier and therefore will cost you money. For example, running a three node cluster with the suggested instance size of t2.medium will cost you around $0.20 per hour based on current pricing.


# Must change: Your domain name that is hosted in AWS Route 53
export DOMAIN_NAME=""

# Friendly name to use as an alias for your cluster
export CLUSTER_ALIAS="usa"

# Leave as-is: Full DNS name of you cluster

# AWS availability zone where the cluster will be created
export CLUSTER_AWS_AZ="us-east-1a"


Deploy a new cluster with Kubernetes version 1.6.4

Create the S3 bucket in AWS, which will be used by Kops for cluster configuration storage:

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket ${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME}-state

Set the KOPS_STATE_STORE variable to the URL of the S3 bucket that was just created:


Create the cluster configuration with Kops, specifying 1.6.4 for --kubernetes-version=. The --yes flag at the end will tell Kops to create the cluster immediately (without having to execute the kops update command):

kops create cluster \
--zones=${CLUSTER_AWS_AZ} \
--master-size="t2.medium" \
--node-size="t2.medium" \
--node-count="2" \
--dns-zone=${DOMAIN_NAME} \
--ssh-public-key="~/.ssh/" \
--kubernetes-version="1.6.4" --yes

It will take approximately five minutes for the cluster to be ready. To check if the cluster is ready and to verify that it is running version 1.6.4:

kubectl get nodes
NAME                            STATUS    AGE       VERSION
ip-172-20-55-227.ec2.internal   Ready     6m        v1.6.4
ip-172-20-57-134.ec2.internal   Ready     6m        v1.6.4
ip-172-20-58-16.ec2.internal    Ready     7m        v1.6.4

Perform a rolling update to upgrade the cluster to version 1.7.6

Now that the cluster is ready, we will edit the cluster configuration:

kops edit cluster ${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME}

This will bring up a text editor with the cluster configuration. Change the value for kubernetesVersion: from 1.6.4 to 1.7.6:

kubernetesVersion: 1.7.6

Save the file and then update the cluster configuration:

kops update cluster ${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME} --yes

Kick-off the rolling update of the cluster to version 1.7.6, which starts with the master, followed by the two nodes:

kops rolling-update cluster ${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME} --yes
master-us-east-1a	NeedsUpdate	1		0	1	1	1
nodes			NeedsUpdate	2		0	2	2	2
I0918 17:56:36.589202    6472 instancegroups.go:350] Stopping instance "i-0f6da4bcfb8227e6f", node "ip-172-20-58-16.ec2.internal", in AWS ASG "".
I0918 18:01:36.880240    6472 instancegroups.go:350] Stopping instance "i-000f039bb4ee8e7f3", node "ip-172-20-55-227.ec2.internal", in AWS ASG "".
I0918 18:03:37.117888    6472 instancegroups.go:350] Stopping instance "i-0d0f594afee0cdbfe", node "ip-172-20-57-134.ec2.internal", in AWS ASG "".
I0918 18:05:37.336335    6472 rollingupdate.go:174] Rolling update completed!

To verify that the cluster is now running version 1.7.6:

kubectl get nodes
NAME                            STATUS    AGE       VERSION
ip-172-20-40-206.ec2.internal   Ready     6m        v1.7.6
ip-172-20-41-160.ec2.internal   Ready     3m        v1.7.6
ip-172-20-52-32.ec2.internal    Ready     25s       v1.7.6

Increase the number of nodes in the cluster

Edit the configuration of the nodes instance group:

kops edit ig nodes

This will bring up a text editor with the instance group configuration for the nodes:

apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: InstanceGroup
  creationTimestamp: 2017-09-18T17:44:35Z
  name: nodes
  machineType: t2.medium
> maxSize: 2
> minSize: 2
  role: Node
  - us-east-1a

Change the values for maxSize: & minSize: from 2 to 4:

maxSize: 4
minSize: 4

Save the file and then update the cluster configuration:

kops update cluster ${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME} --yes

This will update auto-scaling group in AWS and within a few minutes, the two additional nodes should be ready:

kubectl get nodes
NAME                            STATUS    AGE       VERSION
ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal    Ready     4m        v1.7.6
ip-172-20-40-206.ec2.internal   Ready     14m       v1.7.6
ip-172-20-41-160.ec2.internal   Ready     11m       v1.7.6
ip-172-20-52-32.ec2.internal    Ready     8m        v1.7.6
ip-172-20-62-41.ec2.internal    Ready     3m        v1.7.6

Prepare a node for maintenance

If you need to perform maintenance on a node, such as a kernel update, you can temporarily relive the node of it’s cluster duties while you conduct the maintenance.

To demonstrate this, we will first create an example Deployment with eight Pods, which should get spread out evenly across the four nodes that are currently running in your cluster:

kubectl run test-deployment --image=nginx --replicas=8
deployment "test-deployment" created

To verify that the Deployment was distributed across the four nodes:

kubectl get pods -o wide
NAME                               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP           NODE
test-deployment-1791490673-1h5d8   1/1       Running   0          12s   ip-172-20-41-160.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-3zh2x   1/1       Running   0          12s   ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-99wxl   1/1       Running   0          12s   ip-172-20-52-32.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-dkr9c   1/1       Running   0          12s   ip-172-20-52-32.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-g02h7   1/1       Running   0          12s   ip-172-20-41-160.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-llhsg   1/1       Running   0          12s   ip-172-20-62-41.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-rtd3r   1/1       Running   0          12s   ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-xvgzq   1/1       Running   0          12s   ip-172-20-62-41.ec2.internal

We will now drain two of the nodes, which will gracefully terminate the Pods that were running on them and block any new Pods from starting on them:

kubectl drain ip-172-20-41-160.ec2.internal --force
node "ip-172-20-41-160.ec2.internal" cordoned
WARNING: Deleting pods not managed by ReplicationController, ReplicaSet, Job, DaemonSet or StatefulSet: kube-proxy-ip-172-20-41-160.ec2.internal
pod "kube-dns-autoscaler-4184363331-208h4" evicted
pod "test-deployment-1791490673-g02h7" evicted
pod "test-deployment-1791490673-1h5d8" evicted
pod "kube-dns-4098025757-gh0kc" evicted
pod "kube-dns-4098025757-p86j7" evicted
node "ip-172-20-41-160.ec2.internal" drained
kubectl drain ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal --force
node "ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal" cordoned
WARNING: Deleting pods not managed by ReplicationController, ReplicaSet, Job, DaemonSet or StatefulSet: kube-proxy-ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal
pod "test-deployment-1791490673-3zh2x" evicted
pod "test-deployment-1791490673-rtd3r" evicted
pod "kube-dns-4098025757-qr7kw" evicted
pod "kube-dns-4098025757-k4sf3" evicted
node "ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal" drained

To verify that the four Pods that were running on the two nodes we just drained have been moved to the two remaining nodes:

kubectl get pods -o wide
NAME                               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP           NODE
test-deployment-1791490673-0jgjs   1/1       Running   0          1m   ip-172-20-52-32.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-99wxl   1/1       Running   0          5m   ip-172-20-52-32.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-bnpj4   1/1       Running   0          4m   ip-172-20-52-32.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-dkr9c   1/1       Running   0          5m   ip-172-20-52-32.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-llhsg   1/1       Running   0          5m   ip-172-20-62-41.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-p6tzs   1/1       Running   0          4m   ip-172-20-62-41.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-v4clq   1/1       Running   0          1m   ip-172-20-62-41.ec2.internal
test-deployment-1791490673-xvgzq   1/1       Running   0          5m   ip-172-20-62-41.ec2.internal

Once the maintenance has been completed, you can make a node schedulable again:

kubectl uncordon ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal
node "ip-172-20-34-35.ec2.internal" uncordoned

Deploy the Kubernetes dashboard

To deploy the latest stable release of the Kuberenetes dashboard:

kubectl apply -f
serviceaccount "kubernetes-dashboard" created
role "kubernetes-dashboard-minimal" created
rolebinding "kubernetes-dashboard-minimal" created
deployment "kubernetes-dashboard" created
service "kubernetes-dashboard" created

This will create the Kubernetes Deployment and Service for the dashboard. The URL for the dashboard will be https://api.${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME}/ui/:

echo "https://api.${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME}/ui/"

You will be prompted to authenticate. The username is admin and to retrieve the password, run the following and get the value for password: in the users: section:

kubectl config view --minify
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: REDACTED
- context:
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name:
    client-certificate-data: REDACTED
    client-key-data: REDACTED
>   password: RStCxLG1G8HpvemewR0ffcL5uIAVPUKi
>   username: admin
Dashboard - System Pods

Refer to the official user guide for an overview of the dashboard.


Before proceeding to the next lab, delete the cluster and it’s associated S3 bucket:

Delete the cluster

Delete the cluster:

kops delete cluster ${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME} --yes

Delete the S3 bucket in AWS:

aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket ${CLUSTER_FULL_NAME}-state

In addition to the step-by-step instructions provided for each lab, the repository also contains scripts to automate some of the activities being performed in this blog series. See the Using Scripts guide for more details.

Next Up

In the next lab, Lab #3: Creating Deployments & Services in Kubernetes, we will go through the following:

  • Creating Deployments
  • Creating Services

Other Labs in the Series

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