Continuous Deployment

Getting To Know K8s | Lab #9: Continuous Deployment with Wercker and Kubernetes

Wercker - Build Summary Page

This post was updated on September 18th, 2017 for Kubernetes version 1.7.6 & Kops version 1.7.0


In the previous two labs, we created an example continuous deployment pipeline for a Hugo site, using both Jenkins and Travis CI. And in this lab, we will be recreating the same continuous deployment pipeline using Wercker.

Wercker is similar to Travis CI as it is also a hosted continuous integration service. One difference is that Wercker uses a concept called Steps, which are self-contained bash scripts or compiled binaries used for accomplishing specific automation tasks. You can create custom steps on your own or use existing steps from the community via the Steps Registry. And as of now, Wercker is free to use for both public and private GitHub repositories (Travis CI is free for only public repositories).

The Wercker pipeline we will create will cover the same four stages that the Jenkins & Travis CI pipelines did in the previous labs:

  • Build: Build the Hugo site
  • Test: Test the Hugo site to confirm there are no broken links
  • Push: Create a new Docker image with the Hugo site and push it to your Docker Hub repository
  • Deploy: Trigger a rolling update to the new Docker image in your Kubernetes cluster

The configuration of the pipeline will be defined in a wercker.yml file in your Hugo site GitHub repository, similar to the Jenkinsfile & .travis.yml file used in the previous labs.

And as Wercker is tightly integrated with GitHub, the pipeline will be automatically run every time there is a commit in your GitHub repository.

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Getting To Know K8s | Lab #8: Continuous Deployment with Travis CI and Kubernetes

Travis CI - Build Summary

This post was updated on September 18th, 2017 for Kubernetes version 1.7.6 & Kops version 1.7.0


In the previous lab, we created an example continuous deployment pipeline for a Hugo site, using a locally installed instance of Jenkins in your Kubernetes cluster.

And in this lab, we will be recreating the same continuous deployment pipeline using Travis CI. Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service used to build and test software projects that are stored in GitHub. It is free to use for any public GitHub repositories and they have commercial offerings if you want to use it for private repositories.

The Travis CI pipeline we will create will cover the same four stages that the Jenkins pipeline did in the previous lab:

  • Build: Build the Hugo site
  • Test: Test the Hugo site to confirm there are no broken links
  • Push: Create a new Docker image with the Hugo site and push it to your Docker Hub repository
  • Deploy: Trigger a rolling update to the new Docker image in your Kubernetes cluster

The configuration of the pipeline will be defined in a .travis.yml file in your Hugo site GitHub repository, similar to the Jenkinsfile we created for the Jenkins pipeline.

And as Travis CI is tightly integrated with GitHub, the pipeline will be automatically run every time there is a commit in your GitHub repository.

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Getting To Know K8s | Lab #7: Continuous Deployment with Jenkins and Kubernetes

Jenkins - Pipeline Job History

This post was updated on September 18th, 2017 for Kubernetes version 1.7.6 & Kops version 1.7.0


In the previous lab, we went through how to deploy Jenkins and integrate it with your Kubernetes cluster.

And in this lab, we will setup an example continuous deployment pipeline with Jenkins, using the same Hugo site that we have used in previous labs.

The four main stages of the pipeline that we will create are:

  • Build: Build the Hugo site
  • Test: Test the Hugo site to confirm there are no broken links
  • Push: Create a new Docker image with the Hugo site and push it to your Docker Hub account
  • Deploy: Trigger a rolling update to the new Docker image in your Kubernetes cluster

The configuration of the pipeline will be defined in a Jenkinsfile, which will be stored in your GitHub repository for the Hugo site.

And after configuring the GitHub plugin in Jenkins, the pipeline will be automatically triggered at every commit.

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